A couple weeks ago the power button on my iPhone started sticking, sometimes I would push it and it wouldn't go to sleep other times I would push it and it wouldn't wake up. Annoying but, not annoying enough for me to drag myself to the Apple store to talk to a "genius." A couple weeks later the button completely stopped working all together. I broke down and took my iPhone 3GS to the "geek" bar so they could investigate. The "geek" agent peers into the top and bottom of my phone and promptly tells me that one of the four moisture sensors on my phone has been tripped, this is indicated by a pink strip in the headphone jack. Of course this renders my iPhone warranty useless and all I can do is buy another iPhone. I do NOT feel like spending $200 dollars to replace a phone I ALREADY spent $200 on. I of course pout and sulk out of the store with my sad semi-functional iPhone and pretty much resign myself to buying the new iPhone.
My brother has the brilliant idea of un-tripping the moisture sensor on my phone and then giving it to the geek. Unfortunately neither my brother or I have the balls to take apart and iPhone and start bob the builder-ing around in there. Fortunately, V does. After several hours spent hunched over my iPhone, unscrewing and re-screwing at least 35 very tiny screws the formerly pink water sensor on my iPhone was replaced with a brand new piece of tiny white paper.
Trip two to the "genius" bar went very similarly to my first trip to the genius bar, except this time the "genius" peered into the top of my phone and then peered into the bottom of my phone and the proceeded to hand me a brand new 16 gig 3GS. :-)
Apparently I am not the only one that is running out of love for Apple (despite the fact that this post was written on my Macbook Pro) there is a class action law suit being filed for mysteriously tripped moisture sensors on iPhones and Apples failure to replace them.
Other annoying things about Apple:
1. iPhoto hijacks control of all your photos
2. The iPhone doesn't support multitasking and the fake multitasking patch planned for the summer is at best two-tasking between the 4 applications that Apple will allow support for
3. The iPad is a dumb name for a product
4. The mark up on Macbooks is redic since at this point they are just basic PC hardware (which is CHEAP) running a super customized version of linux (which is CHEAP or FREE)