Everyone loves Halloween. How could you not love halloween? You get to dress up as whatever you heart desires, get into all sorts of trouble, and shriek wildly pretty much anytime anyone walks by. Unfortunately, halloween is not a holiday that is celebrated in India. This was very sad for me. (I even brought Halloween cards with me from the United States to give to all the new and awesome friends I was planning on making in India...)
Since I missed it I am planning on making it up to myself and to all of you who didn't get to have as awesome of a Halloween because I was not around. Halloween this year is a re-do, so everyone get ready for... Hallowgiving! Yup, you heard it. I will be dressing up for Thanksgiving.
My costume ideas so far are:
- Pumpkin, both Halloween and Thanksgiving themed
- Turkey, will be fun for all the kiddies
- Bumble bee, only cos that's what I wanted to be for Halloween
I am open to suggestions if any one has any better ideas.
I almost forgot the most important news: I will be home for the week of Thanksgiving, I get in to Dulles, Friday, November 20th at 2:30PM.
*The inflatable turkey above was in a care package from some of my co-workers in Chicago. Thanks Scott, Sam and Allison!!!
I vote bumblebee!