Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Number 1

A couple years ago I picked up this silly saying about looking out for number one, ie yourself, as time has gone by I have taken this to heart. I wish I remembered where I heard this from or why it stuck as well as it did (if someone does remember, remind me!). Over the years (half in earnest and half in jest) I have said "You gotta look out for number one" in response to a lot of things: getting out of things I didn't want to do, making sure my young nieces remembered that life was not all about making other people happy, working out when I should be doing something of more utility (like work, laundry, spending time with my family), and million other things... Most of my friends and family know that I won't do things just because you are supposed to or out of obligation, so they don't even bother trying to wear me down about certain things because they know it just won't happen. (The only exception to the rule is my Mom, if she says it, it pretty much goes)

A few days ago, I heard about something that took place while I was in India and I thought it was pretty callous. It's not something really worth making a big deal of, because I am sure it won't end up affecting my life in the long run, but it certainly was something that left me speechless for a minute or two (and I usually ALWAYS have something to say). When I finally did formulate a thought, I couldn't help but think "The girl took lookin' out for number one pretty effin' seriously."

I am issuing an official amendment to the number one rule for myself: When looking out for number one make sure you are not mauling down numbers two through 25ish (or even running over one of their pinky toes a little bit).

Cool songs about number one.

Also, it's good to be home again, even if it is just for a week. :-)


  1. hmmmm...I appreciate you teaching my girls this motto in life!

  2. is it bad that the only song that comes to mind for me is 'California' by Phantom Planet? 'We've been on the ruuunn, driving in the suunnn, looking out for number onnneeee....'

    Ok, I'm officially embarrassing myself now.
